Who we are

EPFL Chimie 1977

EPFL History

Founded in 1853, the École Spéciale de Lausanne was renamed École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 1969.

Photo de la direction de l'EPFL. De gauche à droite: Edouard Bugnion, Françoise Bommensatt, Ambrogio Fasoli, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Matthias Gäumann, Marianne Wannier © Nicolas Righetti, Lundi13, 2024


EPFL is structured as a Direction, Schools, Colleges, an EPFL Assembly, a Council of EPFL Teachers, Centers and Central Services.

Le logo de l'EPFL


The “EPFL” brand: our name, our logo and our official font.

Soumya Swaminathan lors de la Magistrale 2021 © Christian Brun / EPFL, 2021

Doctor Honoris Causa

Every year at our Master’s graduation ceremony, EPFL awards the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to preeminent researchers and other figures who have made a significant contribution to science and engineering.

Image tirée du Rapport Annuel 2021: plusieurs points de couleur avec, au centre, un grnd "2021" en rouge

Annual report

Browse through the current annual report, or access the archives of previous years.

Deux personnages dessinés lisant le Compliance Guide de l'EPFL

Regulations and guidelines

EPFL Guidelines, Compliance Guide and Disclaimer